Top CCS audit marks at our Stanton Cross Primary School site

We’re delighted to have received another perfect Considerate Constructors Scheme (CCS) score, this time after an audit at our Stanton Cross Primary School site. The site team were commended on implementing the ‘Code of Considerate Practice’ to an extremely high standard, as well as: – Adding social value – over 90% of our onsite workforce […]

Buildoffsite visit hosted at Goresbrook School

McAvoy accommodated the first Buildoffsite Education Hub meeting at Goresbrook School on 7 June 2016 where members had the opportunity to share the challenges they would like to see addressed and identify desired outcomes which will enable the education sector to deliver schools faster, cheaper and more sustainably. A presentation and tour of the all […]

McAvoy becomes first offsite modular company to secure BIM Level 2 Certification

The McAvoy Group has become the first offsite modular construction company in the UK to achieve BRE BIM (Building Information Modelling) Level 2 certification (PAS 1192-2:2013). The certification means McAvoy is able to meet the UK Government’s new BIM Level ll requirements for centrally procured construction projects that came into effect on 4 April 2016. McAvoy […]