Our Commitment to ESG
ESG strategy
At McAvoy we acknowledge that, in order to deliver on our ambitious business vision, our growth strategy must be underpinned by the successful implementation of a robust Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) strategy.
Our strategy will deliver clear ESG outcomes that are relevant, achievable, and verifiable, including:
- Compliance with ESG laws, regulations and standards;
- Measures to mitigate the effects of severe climate events on company operations;
- A transition plan for the company to meet the government’s target of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050;
- Excellence in the diversity, equality, and inclusion practices for our workforce;
- Policies that inform how we engage with other businesses and stakeholders
- A comprehensive strategy to ensure mission critical operations can continue during any disruption event;
- Transparent disclosure of data that drives our commitments.
Our commitment to ESG underpins our operations by communicating our approach and purpose to focus on culture, community, people and compliance in an ethical manner.

Our Drive towards Zero Carbon
Using an innovative offsite design and manufacturing approach, McAvoy has been able to deliver significant progress on our journey towards being Carbon Zero by 2050.
Over the past year we have implemented new policies, monitoring plans and staff awareness training as part of the drive towards zero carbon, as well as producing our first annual SECR Energy & Carbon Report and PPN 06/21 Carbon Reduction Plan.
As of November 2021, all the electricity used at our Lisburn facility has been 100% renewable.
We are committed to:
- Reducing our annual carbon footprint by 3.5% per annum
- Appointing ‘Energy Champions’ in key areas of the business
- Prioritising low & zero carbon technologies
- Producing quarterly energy reports and conduct progress reviews
Our expert design teams use the latest digital construction technology and MMC practises and have been successful in reducing new water demand by more than 30%; reducing operational energy consumption by more than 73% and reducing carbon emissions by almost 60% of the predicted regulated energy use on our largest project to date.
Amongst the many features we incorporate within our offering to reduce Co2 emissions are:
- Green, Brown and Blue Roofs
- Thermally optimised building fabric
- Designing to minimise waste production
- Onsite renewables e.g Photovoltaic Panels
- Energy efficient heating systems such as Air source heat pumps
- Decarbonisation of the grid, where possible
- Rain-water harvesting / water saving systems
- Utilisation of products and materials with low embodied carbon
- Flexible, Reusable and Recyclable modules
- Reduced transportation to site
McAvoy also offers a biophilic approach to the project design to create a more comfortable, healthier space for the users and assist with controlling building temperatures to further enhance the development.
McAvoy has secured inclusion in a number of Frameworks, each of which have their own, bespoke set of requirements and goals.